Android Easter Eggs

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File:Android.GIF Android Easter Eggs can be hidden in the settings menu.

Here is a list of Easter Eggs that are known.

  • In 2.3 (Gingerbread) an image of an Android Robot in a crowd of zombies is displayed. The image is entitled Zombie Art by Jack Larson.
  • In 3.x (Honeycomb) an image of an Android Bee is displayed.
  • In 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) Google has made a parody of Nyan Cat. Instead of a cat 8-bit versions of Android Robots enveloped in an ice cream sandwich biscuit fly over the screen.
  • In 4.1 (Jelly Bean) A Big Jelly Bean will be displayed after repeatedly pressing Android Version. Then tapping the jelly bean will cause a smiley face to appear. Long-pressing the Big Jelly Bean will bring up a bunch of jellybeans, spread out across the screen, which the user can then fling around. Doing the same thing in 4.2 unlocks the jelly bean flinger as a Daydream.
  • In 4.2 (Jelly Bean) When enabling Developer Tools by tapping the Build Number five times in the About screen, a note will appear at the bottom of the screen telling the user how many taps of the Build Number that are left before he/she becomes a developer. Once tapping it five times, the note congratulates the user saying that "You are now a developer!". Tapping it again afterwards results in the text "No need, you are already a developer" appears. (No longer works in this version. See 4.3)
  • In 4.3 (Jelly Bean) An image of a red jelly bean appears. Tapping the screen causes a smiling face to appear on the bean while white text below reads  : "Android 4.3" (and below that) "JELLY BEAN". Repeatedly tapping the Jellybean will bring up a bunch of jellybeans, and possibly a candy cane, spread out across the screen, which the user can then fling around. This appears each time the user turns on the device from standby until the user exits. One can also tap the Build Number repeatedly, which will bring up a message saying "You are 5 taps away from being a developer". If he/she taps 5 more times, the message "Developer Mode turned on" will appear.
  • In 4.4 (KitKat) A Rotating letter "K" appears, which if continually tapped turns into the text "Android" in the styling of a KitKat logo. If the Android logo is then long-pressed a tile interface loads with icons from all previous versions of Android. It appears to be a mock of the Windows phone interface.[39]
  • In Android "L" Beta (Preview/LPV79-81) The Webdriver Torso is shown. Random rectangles appear all over the screen, and they suddenly stop after 11 seconds. Then the slightly less fluorescent KitKat(4.4) Dessert case appears. During the Webdriver torso in the bottom left corner you can see a script that says "aqua.flv – Slide 000x". The webdriver torso is a reference to the Webdriver torso channel on YouTube.
  • In Android 5.0 (Lollipop) Beta (Preview/LPX13D) A round circle is shown that if tapped becomes bigger until a white box comes from the bottom and makes it a lollipop. If the lollipop is tapped and then long pressed, a Flappy Bird clone, where the Android Robot is the bird, and lollipops are the pipes.[citation needed]