
From Android Wiki

Dear, QuickWhitt7 or Liam

I'm very sorry, for disturbing you, as I've tried to message you a few times but, I just need infomation inorder to recruit or know that former wiki staff has left or not, As in the past year I was trying to reach out (my hardest) to ask former admins to come back as Microsoft Wiki is now a bit activer with a proper bureaucrat on administration.

If you don't want to come back, please let me know so, I can confirm in my book that you have left Microsoft Wiki as a former staff and, are willing to not come back.

But, if you are coming back I'm willing to give your "Admin" rights back "as is" in the past, from what I understood from a stand point is that in the past was that you've moved accounts but, you never got your admin rights on your current account. CavaX isn't active anymore so, as Starfox u they might as well forgotten to add the rights to your current account.

File:Microsoft-wordmark (2) (1).png

Sincerely, Bureaucrat and management crew at Microsoft Wiki.<ac_metadata title="Hello."> </ac_metadata>